Why I'm Tired of Black Actresses Begging for More Money

Why I'm Tired of Black Actresses Begging for More Money

In a recent video, I delved into a topic that's been weighing on my mind: the issue of black actresses consistently advocating for fair pay in Hollywood. It's a conversation that's gained traction in recent years, with prominent figures like Taraji P. Henson speaking out against the disparities in compensation between black and white actors.

During the NAACP Image awards, Taraji P. Henson received recognition for her outspokenness on the matter, particularly in her assertion that Tyler Perry was the only one who paid her what she was worth. While her advocacy is commendable, I can't help but feel fatigued by the constant pleas for fair treatment.

One of the reasons this issue irks me is the comparison between Mo'Nique and Taraji P. Henson's approaches to the problem. Mo'Nique, like Claudette Colvin, bravely spoke out about the inequities in pay almost a decade ago, but her efforts were largely ignored and even met with backlash. On the other hand, Taraji P. Henson, akin to Rosa Parks, has received more widespread acceptance and support for her stance. This discrepancy in reception highlights the selective nature of our attention to such issues.

Furthermore, in today's digital age, where gatekeepers no longer hold the same power they once did, there's ample opportunity for black actresses to create their own content and platforms. Instead of relying on Hollywood to validate their worth, they can take matters into their own hands and forge their own paths to success. Figures like Vivica A. Fox and Courtney Kemp have shown that it's possible to thrive outside the traditional Hollywood system.

Ultimately, my frustration stems from the belief that black actresses shouldn't have to plead for fair pay in the first place. With the resources and platforms available today, there's no excuse for perpetuating the status quo. It's time for black actresses to bet on themselves and carve out their own destinies, free from the constraints of an industry that has long undervalued their contributions.

In conclusion, while I applaud Taraji P. Henson and others for using their platforms to shed light on important issues, I urge them to consider alternative approaches to effecting change. Rather than begging for a seat at the table, let's build our own damn table.


To see my full video on this click here https://youtu.be/UMA77S28guk?si=bSHYzIvzN0fSXErU

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